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Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Christianity Home Home

Our Team

Our Team

The BDCC is facilitated by a small editorial team. Our Advisory Council members provide expert guidance.

Editorial Team

Wright Doyle

G. Wright Doyle

English Editor

Carol Lee Hamrin

Carol Lee Hamrin

Project Advisor

Li Yading

Yading Li

Chinese Editor

Peng Cuian

Cui'an Peng

Associate Editor

Jason Truell

Jason Truell

Digital Manager

Advisory Council Members

Daniel Bays

Daniel H. Bays

Professor of History and Director of the Asian Studies Program, Calvin College, MI

Jan Stacey

Jan Stacey Bieler

Independent Scholar and writer.

Jon Bonk

Jonathan Bonk

Director, Dictionary of African Christian Biography; Research Professor of Mission, Center for Global Christianity & Mission, Boston University School of Theology

Chris Hancock

Christopher Hancock

Director of Oxford House Research

Andrew Kaiser

Andrew T. Kaiser

Independent scholar and author, living and working in Shanxi, China since 1997.

Diane Obenchain

Diane B. Obenchain

Professor of Department of Religion, and Core Faculty of Asian Studies Program, Calvin College, MI

Chloe Starr

Chloë Starr

Associate Professor of Asian Christianity and Theology, Yale Divinity School.

Kang San Tan

Kang-San Tan

Professor of Mission, Redcliffe College, UK


Zhongxin Wang

Director of Chinese Christian Scholars Association in North America, Boston


Jean-Paul Wiest

Research Director and Scholar in Residence, The Beijing Center for Chinese Studies


Xiaoxin Wu

Director of Ricci Institute for Chinese-Western Cultural History, University of San Francisco

Yang Fenggang

Fenggang Yang

Professor of Sociology and Director, Center on Religion and Chinese Society, Purdue University